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A PowerDNS… WOK?!

Bert Hubert on Jan 20, 2013

From a letter, where you should know that ‘Mok’ is Dutch for ‘Mug’: Dear PomerDNS management, Recently me ordered, via a mebform or your mebsite, a so called PomerDNS Mok. but something ment terribly mrong since ...

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Bert Hubert on Dec 10, 2012

Hi everybody,

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I’m a C++ dinosaur, but I’m OK

Bert Hubert on Oct 17, 2012

So here’s a nice challenge. Let’s say you have a list of member email addresses which you get from your account list. But you also have a list of email addresses that you have of your customers, addresses that yo...

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xs.powerdns.com: PowerDNS Development & Community Server @ xs4all!

Bert Hubert on Nov 08, 2009

Hi everybody, Over the past few months, the PowerDNS Wiki and Subversion servers had a hard time and were no longer able to keep up with the growing amounts of traffic. Since these servers also routed my personal...

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PowerDNS competitor Nominum lauds its closed source credits!

Bert Hubert on Sep 23, 2009

This morning, I was unpleasantly surprised by an advertorial on ZDNET, where PowerDNS competitor Nominum stated that since they are closed source, their technology is inherently more secure. They also cleverly co...

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PowerDNS & PowerAdmin contributor Jorn Ekkelenkamp has passed away

Bert Hubert on Sep 07, 2009

I’m almost too hurt to type.. Copy pasted from the PowerDNS mailing lists: Dear PowerDNS friends, I’m deeply saddened to have to report that Jorn Ekkelenkamp passed away yesterday, at the tender age of 26. He die...

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