Welcome to the PowerDNS Blog

Open Source Support: out in the open
Bert Hubert on Jan 18, 2016
As an Open Source project, PowerDNS works hard to support its users and customers. We also love to work with our collaborators, our community, on projects inside and outside of PowerDNS. This way we’ve contribute...

DNS: Your customer’s gateway to the Internet
Bert Hubert on May 21, 2015
PowerDNS and Dovecot joined the Open-Xchange family at WorldWostingDay 2015 in Rust

Introducing dnsdist: DNS, abuse- and DoS-aware query distribution for optim...
Bert Hubert on Mar 11, 2015
Over the years, PowerDNS users have frequently asked us about our preferred DNS load balancing solution, and we’ve never had a satisfying answer for that. Users of dedicated hardware often tell us that vendors sp...