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dnsdist 1.3.0 released

dnsdist 1.3.0 released

We are very happy to announce the 1.3.0 release of dnsdist, with a huge emphasis on privacy and scalability. Privacy A lot of users were interested in DNS over TLS support in dnsdist, to protect the privacy and i...

PowerDNS Recursor 4.1.2 Released

PowerDNS Recursor 4.1.2 Released

This release improves the stability and resiliency of the RPZ implementation and fixes several issues related to EDNS Client Subnet. The full changelog looks like this: New Features #6344: Add FFI version of gett...

Removing EDNS Workarounds

Removing EDNS Workarounds

In a coordinated effort between PowerDNS, ISC, CZ.NIC and NLnetlabs, starting Feb 1 2019, workarounds for severely broken EDNS setups will be removed from our collective body of software. For the PowerDNS Recurso...

“The DNS Camel”, or, the rise in DNS complexity

“The DNS Camel”, or, the rise in DNS complexity

This week was my first IETF visit. Although I’ve been active in several IETF WGs for nearly twenty years, I had never bothered to show up in person. I now realize this was a very big mistake – I thoroughly enjoye...

Authoritative server 4.1.1 released

Authoritative server 4.1.1 released

Released: 16th of Feburary 2018 This is the second release in the 4.1 train. This is a bug-fix only release, with fixes to the LDAP and MySQL backends, the pdnsutil tool, and PDNS internals. Changes since 4.1.1: ...

dnsdist 1.2.1 released

dnsdist 1.2.1 released

We are very pleased to announce the availability of dnsdist 1.2.1, fixing several issues that were found in 1.2.0: #5647: Make dnsdist dynamic truncate do right thing on TCP/IP #5686: Add missing QPSAction #5847:...

PowerDNS Recursor 4.1.1

PowerDNS Recursor 4.1.1

This is the second release in the 4.1 train with a fix for the following DNSSEC security advisory: PowerDNS Security Advisory 2018-01: Correctly handle ancestor delegation NSEC{,3} for children (CVE-2018-1000003)...

PowerDNS Authoritative: Lua Records

PowerDNS Authoritative: Lua Records

Hi everyone, We are happy to share a new development with you, one that we hinted at over a year ago: Lua resource records. In this post, we ask for your help: did we get the feature right? Are we missing importa...

PowerDNS Recursor 4.0.8 Released

PowerDNS Recursor 4.0.8 Released

Today we announce the release of the PowerDNS Recursor 4.0.8 which contains a fix for the following security advisory: PowerDNS Security Advisory 2017-08: Crafted CNAME answer can cause a denial of service (CVE-2...