Welcome to the PowerDNS Blog

PowerDNS is The Hackers Choice!
Bert Hubert on Aug 11, 2009
Very brief note to let you know that I’m thrilled that PowerDNS will be serving the HAR 2009 visitors! It has previously also been used by the same people at CCC congresses. I’m very proud of this, and I hope the...

PowerDNS Recursor released!
Bert Hubert on Aug 02, 2009
I’m pretty proud of this release, or to state it better, proud of not having a real reason to do a release for over a year. Over the past year, the PowerDNS Recursor has gone places I never thought it would go, p...

Some quick notes on RSA1024 signing performance
Bert Hubert on Jul 27, 2009
Just so this does not get lost – I’ve been doing some RSA1024 signing experiments because of my ‘DNSSEC on PowerDNS’ experiment, and the results were at first confusing. For starters, friends of mine with Apple O...