Welcome to the PowerDNS Blog

The Benefits of a Cloud-Native PowerDNS
Neil Cook on Aug 20, 2020
Many PowerDNS customers benefit from automation, which increases the speed of deployment, enhances efficiency and improves service reliability. Ultimately, this lets customers stay competitive and helps them meet...

The Importance of DNS and the Move to ‘Cloud-Native’
Oliver Michler on Jul 10, 2020

DNS latency in a 5G network
Neil Cook on Jun 03, 2019
With an estimated 1.5 billion of us expected to be connected to 5G networks by 2024, there’s no doubt that this next generation of wireless technology will have a profound effect on the future of technology and c...

How PowerDNS is Open Source & a successful business, or, why are we tal...
Bert Hubert on May 07, 2019
What does PowerDNS actually do? This is a good question, one we can ask about any company. How do they stay alive, what services do they deliver, who do they sell them to? For Open Source companies, the question ...

Open Source Support: out in the open
Bert Hubert on Jan 18, 2016
As an Open Source project, PowerDNS works hard to support its users and customers. We also love to work with our collaborators, our community, on projects inside and outside of PowerDNS. This way we’ve contribute...