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Easiest DNSSEC ever when running PowerDNS in BIND mode
Bert Hubert on Mar 04, 2012
Without further comment, except to note that this is really all there is to this. Signatures will autorotate, ‘pdnssec’ allows for complete key management. No cronjobs or further configuration. # apt-get install ...

On SRP – some implementation notes and a critical review
Bert Hubert on Feb 07, 2012
Some time ago, Dan Kaminsky mentioned the Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP) on Twitter. As I find certificates to be cumbersome, I’m always interested in solutions to setup trusted communications without them...

PowerDNS Authoritative Server Security Notification 2012-01
Bert Hubert on Jan 10, 2012
CVE CVE-2012-0206 Date 10th of January 2012 Credit Ray Morris of BetterCGI.com. Affects Most PowerDNS Authoritative Server versions < 3.0.1 (with the exception of the just released Not affected No ve...

PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.0 has been released!
Bert Hubert on Jul 22, 2011
Available from: * http://downloads.powerdns.com/releases/pdns-3.0.tar.gz * http://downloads.powerdns.com/releases/rpm/pdns-static-3.0-1.x86_64.rpm * http://downloads.powerdns.com/releases/deb/pdns-static_3.0-1_am...

PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.0RC1 released! Now with DNSSEC!
Bert Hubert on Apr 05, 2011
I’m very proud to announce the first Release Candidate for PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.0, now with full support for DNSSEC, TSIG, IPv6 master/slave, per-zone metadata and Lua zone editing. The DNSSEC support ...

PowerDNSSEC: packages available, ready for light production use
Bert Hubert on Jan 11, 2011
Dear PowerDNS Community, With the help of many of you, we’ve now brought ‘PowerDNSSEC’ to the point where it is in light production. Several of our important domains have already been migrated to the PowerDNS Aut...

PowerDNSSEC Available For Testing!
Bert Hubert on Apr 22, 2010
Dear PowerDNS people, On http://wiki.powerdns.com/trac/wiki/PDNSSEC you will find the newest version of PowerDNS with DNSSEC support built in. This version is tentatively called ‘PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.0...

When DNS is cool and when it is not
Bert Hubert on Nov 11, 2009
Whenever massive query rates are desired for globally distributed data, with high redundancy and built in positive and negative caching, people think of DNS. Popular examples are of course our day to day use of t...

PowerDNS is The Hackers Choice!
Bert Hubert on Aug 11, 2009
Very brief note to let you know that I’m thrilled that PowerDNS will be serving the HAR 2009 visitors! It has previously also been used by the same people at CCC congresses. I’m very proud of this, and I hope the...

Some quick notes on RSA1024 signing performance
Bert Hubert on Jul 27, 2009
Just so this does not get lost – I’ve been doing some RSA1024 signing experiments because of my ‘DNSSEC on PowerDNS’ experiment, and the results were at first confusing. For starters, friends of mine with Apple O...