FOSDEM 2024 DNS Developer Room Call for Participation

Nov 16, 2023

Hello DNS enthusiasts and other developers,

After four earlier successful and packed DNS devrooms, we are happy to announce a half-day DNS devroom at FOSDEM 2024.

As with the previous events, we hope to host talks anywhere from hardcore protocol stuff, to practical sessions for programmers that are not directly involved with DNS but may have to deal with DNS in their day to day coding or system administrators responsible for DNS infrastructure.

We have been allotted a room on Saturday the 3rd of February 2024, the second half of the day, starting at 15:00 (CET).

If you have something you’d like to share with your fellow developers, please head to the submission page at .

Examples of topics are measuring, monitoring, DNS libraries, anecdotes on how you’ve (ab)used the DNS, and group discussions of upcoming technologies.

For the upcoming technologies, we're looking for submissions on Applications Doing DNS (ADD), DNS-SD (DNS Service Discovery), SVCB/HTTPS records and applications thereof, and stub-resolver configuration. Here’s the 2023 schedule, for your inspiration: .

We expect to schedule 30 minutes per talk, including questions, but if you need more or less time, we can discuss this.

The deadline for submissions is December 8th 2023. Reach out to if you run into any trouble.

this CfP lives online at - any important changes will be posted at least there

See you there!


The FOSDEM 2024 DNS Devroom organizers

About the author

Peter van Dijk

Peter van Dijk

Senior Developer at PowerDNS


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