OX Summit 2016: 13th-14th October, Frankfurt

Sep 21, 2016

Hi everybody,

Like last year, this year PowerDNS will again be part of the OX/Dovecot/PowerDNS summit. This time round we visit Frankfurt on the 13th and 14th of October. This is already in a few weeks!

Many users of Dovecot, PowerDNS and AppSuite will be there. Specifically for PowerDNS, on Friday we will be hosting a 90 minute long session on malware filtering and parental control with DNS, with per-user settings, opt-in, opt-out, all with a single set of nameserver IP addresses.

Attendance is free! Please register here. When you register, you can also sign up for our malware session, which might even allow you to sell this trip to your company as ‘work’. The summit also involves (free) lunch and drinks.

If you are a PowerDNS user, or want to be, we hope to meet you there!

About the author

Bert Hubert

Bert Hubert

Principal, PowerDNS


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