Authoritative Server 3.4.0 Release Candidate 2

Sep 23, 2014
[Warning] Warning
Version 3.4.0 of the PowerDNS Authoritative Server is a major upgrade if you are coming from 2.9.x. Additionally, if you are coming from any 3.x version (including 3.3.1), there is a mandatory SQL schema upgrade. Please refer toSection 6, “From PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.3.1 to 3.4.0” and any relevant sections before it, before deploying this version.

This is a performance, feature, bugfix and conformity update to 3.3.1 and any earlier version. It contains a huge amount of work by various contributors, to whom we are very grateful.

A list of changes since 3.3.1 follows.

Changes between RC1 and RC2:

About the author

Peter van Dijk

Peter van Dijk

Senior Developer at PowerDNS

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