PowerDNS Blog

Simple TCP/IP DNS benchmarking tool | PowerDNS Blog

Written by Peter van Dijk | Jun 25, 2013 4:00:00 AM

In our work, we frequently find that we need tools to do specific tests. Today, because of a query from one of our users, we wrote a new tool to cover such a need: TCP DNS benchmarking.

It is not very sophisticated, but it does the job. We’ve learned that PowerDNS does around 20000 TCP/IP queries/second out of the box on a few years old server, a number we did not previously know.

From the manpage:

dnstcpbench reads DNS queries from standard input and sends them out
in parallel to a remote nameserver. By default TCP/IP is used, but
optionally, UDP is tried first, which allows for the benchmarking of
TCP/IP fallback.

The input format is one query per line: qname single-space qtype. An
        www.powerdns.com ANY
        powerdns.com MX

You can read the manual page on GitHub.

The tool is included in our GitHub master branch.

Here are the build dependencies for Debian 7:

apt-get install autoconf automake bison flex g++ libboost-all-dev libtool
make pkg-config ragel

To compile:

$ git clone https://github.com/PowerDNS/pdns.git
$ cd pdns
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --with-modules="" --without-lua
$ cd pdns
$ make dnstcpbench

Good luck & please let us know your thoughts & suggestions!